Sunbeam Children’s Home and Refuge Centre

Sunbeam Children’s Home and Refuge Centre is for children who have been orphaned due to AIDS, experienced severe neglect or abuse, and are placed with us by the Local Authority.

These children are nurtured physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually in a Christian environment. We employ around 30 staff including teachers, carers, cleaners, security and general workers in KSM and the new Home Support Programme

You can help in practical ways, join a team to redecorate and refurbish the childrens’ home, or give so others can go.

Who we are Contact us

Rainbows Academy

Provides education for 190 children ranging from the pre-school to helping teenagers going to secondary education.; this includes Children from Sunbeam and the Local Community.

Our Current Work in The Life Centre for the whole community is:

  • Counselling to deal with prostitution, drug or alcohol abuse
  • Feeding programme for the most deprived and vulnerable
  • Assistance for the Elderly
  • Home support programme helping children remain at home
  • Woman’s ministry assisting widows and single mothers
  • You can help us to complete the four new classrooms, to free up space in the Life Centre for community work, and for school equipment, books, pens, pencils and computers.

    Shalom Bible School and Local Church

    The Bible School offers Diploma level courses for Christians and church leaders plus conferences to train them to serve the Lord Jesus in their home villages.

    The Church has a core group of local people, plus Sunbeam children and staff: with Bible Studies, Prayer meetings and training for new leaders. We fast and pray on the first Sunday of each month.

    You can help to supply teaching materials, CD’s Video’s, Bibles or come to share the Gospel to encourage the students.

    Sunbeam Farm

    We are working towards greater self-sufficiency by developing our farm animals, cows, goats, chicken and the supply of fruit, vegetables, grain and oil.
    You can help with donations towards equipment, seeds, animals, chickens etc.

    With your generous support, you can bring light into a dark place.
